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However, their opinionated next-door neighbor, Calvin Butler, is wary of the newcomers, certain that they'll disrupt the culture on the block. Dave realizes that fitting into their new community is more complex than he expected, but if he can find a way to connect with Calvin, they have an excellent chance of making their new neighborhood their home.

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A vida por 1 homem em sua fazenda é interrompida quando um policial e dois criminosos perigosos aparecem.

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Dave realizes that fitting in with the new community is more complex than he had expected, but if he can find a way to connect with Calvin, there's an excellent chance of making it a great place to live.

A vida organizada do vigia do um sanatório abandonado é perturbada pela chegada por 1 casal estranho de que pede para ficar em um Destes The Neighborhood 4ª Temporada Torrent quartos. ESTES três têm algo de qual querem fugir e igualmente esconder no deserto.

Series Plot: The Neighborhood telling about what happens when the friendliest guy in the Midwest moves his family to a neighborhood in Los Angeles where not everyone looks like him or appreciates his extreme neighborliness. When Dave Johnson and his family arrive from Michigan, they're unfazed that their new dream home is located in a community quite different from their small town.

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When Calvin and Tina enlist the services of a professional matchmaker for Marty, they can't help but get too caught up in the process; Dave and Gemma adopt new roles during an unexpected date night.

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Depois de uma troca por casais, quatro amigos devem enfrentar as consequências e revelar verdades profundas.

Episode plot: When Calvin and Tina enlist the services of a professional matchmaker for Marty, they can't help but get too caught up The Neighborhood 4ª Temporada Torrent in the process. Also, Dave and Gemma adopt new roles during an unexpected date night.

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A chronicle of four friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.

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